Welcome to Valley Center
Surroundings (more...)
Home Tour inside
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Bedrooms & baths
Bedrooms & baths (More...)
Welcome to Valley Center Farming
Grove Tour (more...)
+660 Sqft Home Office
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4.9 Acre Beautiful Organic Grove
in Valley Center, CA (North San Diego County)

Arial View --Valley Center CA
A Bird's Eye View. A well-established Organic Grove
Organic Orange Harvest -- Orange bins
Harvest Time is exciting and fruitful to be an organic grower!!
overlooking beautiful Valley Center
The Grove sits overlooking beautiful Valley Center
Quiet North San Diego County community

You have not tasted real organic orange juice until now.
Grove well supplies all grove water
Grove well supplies all grove water
Irrigation system in place
Full irrigation system in place with well water.
640+ healthy oragnic orange trees
640+ healthy oragnic orange trees
640+ healthy oragnic orange trees
Irrigation system in place
640+ healthy organic orange trees
Well-established Organic Orange grove - 640+ healthy orange trees
Grove well supplies all grove water
Plus a family grove: Grapefruit, Tangerine, Blood Orange, Apple, Fig, Plum, Persimmon...
Welcome to Valley Center
Surroundings (more...)
Home Tour inside
Home Tour (More...)
Bedrooms & baths
Bedrooms & baths (More...)
Welcome to Valley Center Farming
Grove Tour (more...)
+660 Sqft Home Office
Home Office
+ Extras (more...)

To buy oranges or find
out more about
living here...
Contact us: